Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome to My e-Portolio!

As an Anthropology and Community and Environmental Development double major, I think communication is the essence of human culture. From the cave paintings in the icy European mountains of the Neolithic era, to the text messages we send by the billions today, we as a species have long valued the art of conversation.

This e-Portoflio chronicles my own growth as a writer and public speaker during my time at Penn State. Show-cased here are the pieces which I believe exemplify my talents as a liberal arts student: my great work ethic, my tenacity your positive outlook, my responsiveness to feedback, my ability to adapt, and my general pleasantness. Sharp and practical rhetoric skills are as important to my education as my everyday life. I aspire to travel the world conducting ethnographic studies and field work in the future. Wherever I go my communication skills will be challenged and developed.

Communication extends beyond borders, cultures and skin colors. Whether I work with National Geographic or the Smithsonian, on an archaeological dig or in a museum, I believe my skills in writing and speaking with validate my worth there.